Welcome Post: Learning how to code

 Hello, and welcome to my blog. This is a Genius Hour for my Teaching Mathematics course (Year 2) at Brock University. For those who don't know me, I'm a physics and math teacher in Ontario and I don't know how to code... Yet.

My goals for this personal exercise are to learn basic code at a comprehensive level in order to demonstrate math topics learned in secondary school. Input/output algebra, lengths, angles, geometry, plotting and graphing data, analyzing data with simple formulas and derivatives. I want coding to become part of my teaching repertoire and an avenue for students to do math, especially since it is being added to the Ontario Curriculum.

I will assess my progress during reflection weeks by creating or adding a new section of code that demonstrates of of the above learning goals. 

My genius hour question: What specific strengths does coding have that can be applied to teaching mathematics in secondary schools?

I will teach myself how to code through applying different mathematical frameworks and using trial and error to get the desired output. I plan to use the Grade 9 de-streamed curriculum to take my subject topics from. 


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